“Partnerships, Enforcement key to Achieving Sustainable Blue Economy in Africa”— Capt. Sunday Umoren
Africa marine Environment sustainability initiative (AFMESI) is a Pan African , non Governmental organisation ( NGO) that has been pushing for clean oceans and its sustainable utilisation across Africa and beyond.
As part of efforts to achieve the core objectives of AFMESI to ensure Blue growth in a Blue Economy the NGO rallied stakeholders in Lagos for a 2-day symposium and Workshop .
Secretary General of Abuja MOU and one of the Guest speakers at the symposium Capt. Sunday Umoren was emphatic in his paper presentation with the theme: Collaboration and partnership in Driving Blue Economy”.
Capt Umoren told the gathering that there can be no successful running of Blue Economy without a successful partnerships, collaboration, well mapped out clusters and enforcement Drive.
According to the erudite scholar ,partnerships and collaboration are the crucial ingredients that will provide Africa’s Marine and Blue Economy with a range of advisory, economic development, research services, informed policy regulation ,sustainable management and ensure rapid growth of Africa’s Marine resources.
” Partnerships in a Blue Economy should be a win -win deal , what each stakeholder can bring to the table should be devoid of pitfalls and have a robust contribution to the country’s GDP” — He said
Capt. Umoren also aligned himself with the submissions of other Speakers and participants at the symposium.
He is of the view that given a proper regulatory framework and enforcement Africa has all it takes to transform its challenges to employment.generation , contribute to their country’s GDP and achieve Blue growth .
He said
” Blue Economy encompasses Economy activities related to fisheries, shipping, ports and marine Economy . The Blue Economy creates job worldwide. The further a country move from its coastline the higher the capital required for exploitation of the oceans.
The opening ceremony of the AFEMSI symposium & workshop provided the opportunity for Capt. Umoren to throw more light on the Abuja MOU :
“Abuja MOU is actually a regional organisation. It is not National. Part of the things Auditors will look at is How much your country has been participating in the MOU’s activities. Nigeria has hosted Abuja MOU . Nigeria has been supporting Abuja MOU . The current Minister of Marine and Blue Economy has been very supportive . We have Training package for port Authorities in the Region and Nigeria has supported alot of Training programmes . It is a plus for Nigeria ”
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